Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Air Conditioning: Why Your A/C Is Freezing

Despite the high heat outside, the pipes on your air conditioner can freeze. When this happens, your air conditioning unit can experience issues that might cause it to not work properly.

The reason the pipes freeze is because the refrigerant temperature in the indoor coil is lower than the freezing point of water, and it shows when you see ice on the outside suction line. Usually, this is due to poor air flow through the evaporator coil, which is caused by dirt in either the:
  1. Air Filter
  2. Blower Wheel
  3. Evaporator Coil
  4. Ductwork
Another reason your pipes might be freezing is because of low refrigerant, but only consider this once you eliminate the four options above. 

How do you stop the pipes from freezing?
  1. If it's because of low refrigerant, have your air conditioning company recharge it. 
  2. If there are leaking lines, then you'll need to have those fixed. 
  3. Have your air filter, blower wheel, evaporator coil and/or ductwork cleaned out. 
  4. Regularly change your air filter, at least on an annual basis. 
  5. You may have to have the blower replaced if it's not running at the correct speed. 
Need help figuring out your problem? Call Aitkin MN Air Conditioner repair company Northern Air Plumbing & Heating today at 218-927-6828.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Money Saving Air Conditioner Tips

Summer officially starts next month, which means hotter temperatures are going to make their way into the Aitkin MN region. While many welcome the summer season, those who have to pay the electric bill every month may not be as excited; an air conditioner can increase your energy usage, after all, which then increases the amount you have to pay the electric company. Luckily, there are a few tips you can use to cut down on the amount of energy your air conditioner consumes.

Regular maintenance and service.
Keep the number of an air conditioner service specialist handy (perhaps Northern Air?) and have your air conditioner checked out regularly. If your A/C is running at a less-than-optimal level, it could be consuming way more energy than a healthy system.

Clean your air conditioner.
Be sure to keep your system clean, and change any filters on your air conditioner. A clean-running system is a happy one, and won't spike up your electric bill as much as an A/C that's performance is being affected by dirt, debris, and other interference.

Replace your windows.
Do you have single pane windows in your home? Now might be the time to replace those. They're more drafty and less energy efficient than double paned windows, and force your air conditioner to work harder than it should have to in order to keep your home at a cool, consistent temperature.

Interested in having your existing air conditioner checked out, or a new one installed in your Aitkin home? Get in touch with Northern Air Plumbing & Heating at (218) 927-6828.