Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Water Heater Efficiency Tips from Northern Air Plumbing & Heating

Your water heater is the reason you get to have that hot shower every morning. We often overuse this appliance, not even realizing it until it’s too late. At Northern Air Plumbing and Heating of Aitkin MN, we’ve noticed that customers who adhere to the following tips often don’t need water heater repairs as much.

The average water heater last 12 years, but many stop working before that. However, the following tips will ensure that your water heater gets the life it deserves: 
  • Frequently checking the pressure relief valve will help avoid costly repairs or a new water heater. It should be located on the unit’s top or side. Place a bucket at the bottom of the pipe. If water doesn’t come out or flow, contact a professional like Northern Air Plumbing & Heating. 
  • Drain the tank to expel sediment that may have assembled at the bottom. Be very careful as the water may be hot. Consult your manufacturer’s manual for proper drainage procedure.
  • You can save anywhere from 4-9% on heating costs by placing an insulating water jacket around your water heater.
  • Another way to save current and future costs is to lower the appliance’s water temperature. This will also slow down mineral and sediment accumulation in the heater and pipes. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bid on Sinks & Carbon Monoxide Detectors from Northern Air Plumbing & Heating

Northern Air Plumbing & Heating has teamed up with KKIN Radio to offer the following items for auction at a big discount: 

-          A certificate for a 25” x 22” white molded marble sink. Normally retails for $130, but can be yours for $65.
-          A certificate for a 20” x 22” white molded marble sink. The bidding begins at $136 for this item that normally retails for $275.
-          Carbon monoxide detectors. Retail is $85, but can be yours for $45.

The auction takes place on air every Wednesday morning from 10:03 a.m. to noon. For a full list and more details on the auction, visit KKIN’s auction page. For all your plumbing and heating services in Aitkin MN, visit www.NorthernAirPlumbing.com today.